Tuesday 1 March 2016

Tuesday's Assignment

Today, we continue learning about healthcare practitioners through listening to a voicemail.

What would you do if you got this voicemail?

Much of medical communications these days rides on digital technology!

Here are your tasks:

1. Role play: Scheduling a Medical Appointment
2. Listen to this voicemail.  Then write down the following information:
  1. Addressee
  2. Contact number
  3. Doctor’s name
  4. New Appointment date/time
  5. Old Appointment
3. Take dictation of the voicemail and publish it.

2. information from the voicemail

Addressee: Sam
Contact number: 416-490-1540
Doctor’s name: Clare Rogers<<Canagarajah
New Appointment date/time: Thursday Jun. 15th, 3:15 P.M.<<3:50 p.m.
Old Appointment: Friday

3. dictation

Hi! This message is for Sam from Dr. Clare Rogers'<<Canagarajah's office.
I'm calling to inform you that your appointment for this Friday has been rescheduled to Thursday Jun. 15th, at 3:15 p.m.<<3:50 p.m.
And if you're unable to make that time, please call us back at 416-490-1540.
Have a good day. Bye!


  1. Nice work, Lucy. Pls check the appointment time again.

    1. Yes, it's 50, not 15. I have renewed the dictation.
      But I'm still not sure about the Doctor’s name.
