Monday 21 March 2016

Welcome Back!

Good morning! Welcome back!

This morning we have two main things to do:
  1. Read up on Class Policies and Your Online Learning Companions. You can click on the links or look up at the bar of pages at the top of this blog.
    1. State your response and suggestions to the Class Policies under its Comments section at the bottom of the page.
    2. In the Learning Companions page, copy all the questions under "About Me Section" onto your blog and begin answering them on your blog. For some of the questions, you may need to answer them at the end of this week!
  2. Write 10 sentences about your March Break. Organize the sentences into paragraphs either logically or chronologically. To help you think of what to write, use WH questions like What, Who, When, e.g. What did I do on Tuesday?
    1. Use the editing checklist to check your own work first.
    2. Offer your new friends to check their work, but introduce yourself first.
    3. Publish your work and mention who helped you to check.

1. About Me 

Who are you? 
I'm Lucy. I come from China. My family settled down in Toronto last September. Now I'm studying English in LINC class.
What are your English learning goals in Level 4-5? 
My goal in Level 4-5 is communicating smoother with people.
What are your goals for this week? 
I want to talk to more people, introduce myself, and know their stories.
What have you learnt so far? 
I've learnt asking friends for help and using checklist to check my own work.
What I have enjoyed doing the most?
Field trips.(They gave me different experiences.)
What I have enjoyed doing the least?
Presentations. (I always feel nervous when doing speech. I need to overcome this.)
Any other comments I may have ...
My vocabulary is not rich. But reciting from a dictionary is boring. Is there any easy and intresting way to keep new words in mind?

2. About my March Break

I did a lot of things in this March Break. 
My family went to Bronte Creek Provincial Park on Saturday Mar. 12th. We enjoyed a great Maple Syrup Festival trip there. 
Monday Mar. 14th, I brought my son to Fairview Library. He joined a "Crafteroon" program, and made some cool artworks.
Tuesday Mar. 15th, still in Fairview Library, my son and I watched a magic show. Though it was in French, still my son was very exciting with the show. 
My son and I watched a show named "Jungle Cat World" on Thursday 17th. It was very intresting because we saw a lot of real creatures, e.g.  lion, parrot, fox.
I listened a English financial seminar on Saturday Mar. 19th. I learnt some knowledge and also practiced my listening there.

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