Tuesday 24 May 2016

Tuesday's assignment


Task 1:
Write one paragraph using simple present ONLY. Describe five or more routine or habitual actions that you practice.
I get up at 7:30 every morning. Then, I prepare breakfast for my family. I study English in MicroSkills. I go to school on my feet. And, I always bring a bottle of warm water with me. 

Task 2:
Write one paragraph using present progressive ONLY. Describe your classroom and your peers.
Hala is teaching us tenses. We are practicing on them now.My classmates are typing on the keyboard. We are doing today's assignment. 

Task 3:
Write one paragraph using present perfect ONLY. Share five things that you have never tried, visited, eaten, or done and why.
I haven't try Bungee jumping and skating, because they are too dangerous. I haven't try India food, because I think it is too spicy for me. And I haven't vist Europe and Africa yet. But I have decided to go there within 5 years. 

Task 4:
Write one paragraph using present perfect progressive ONLY. Share five things that you have started in the past and have been doing till the current time.
I have been studying English, practicing driving, doing housework, sending and picking up my son every day since I came to Canada. But I haven't been doing Yoga since then.

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