Friday 6 May 2016

Friday's assignment

Good afternoon all,

Based on our reading, think of a similar experience that has happened to you and narrate it to us. Use present tense, even though this was in the past.

Make sure to answer the 5Ws in your answer.
  • When was it?
  • Where was it?
  • Who was with you?
  • What happened?
  • How did it end?
  • Describe our feelings before and after the situation. 

When my son was 4 years old, one day after lunch, I served him dessert at home. I told him to eat himself. And I walked away to the kitchen to do something else. 

After a while, when I returned, I found that he had left the dining table. But the dessert was left and cut into morsels. I thought he don't like it and make it a mess. 

So I talked to him. At first, I told him it is wrong to play with food. And I wanted to get his promise of not doing this again. But my son kept silence. Then I asked him why he didn't like it. He said:" No, I like it. I have tasted a little. It's delicious!" 

I got confused. Why he liked the dessert, but didn't eat it? He pointed to the plante and said:" I sliced it to share it with you and daddy. But I can't do it well. It looks not good." 

I looked at the dessert again. It was separated into 3 pieces. I felt so sorry to him because of my misunderstanding. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for his love.


When my son was 4 years old, one day after lunch, I served him dessert at home. I told him to eat by himself. And Then, I walked away to the kitchen to do something else. 

After a while, when I returned, I found that he had left the dining table. But the dessert was left and cut into morsels. I thought he don't didn’t like it and make it a mess. he  made a mess with it.

So, I talked to him. At first, I told him it is wrong to play with food. And I wanted to get his promise of not to do doing this again. But my son kept silence silent. Then, I asked him why he didn't like it. He said:" No, I like it. I have tasted a little. It's delicious!"

I got confused. Why he liked the dessert, but didn't eat it? He pointed to the plante and said:" I sliced it to share it with you and daddy. But I can't do it well. It looks not doesn’t look good."

I looked at the dessert again. It was separated into 3 pieces. I felt so sorry to him because of my misunderstanding that I misunderstood him. I gave him a big hug and thanked him for his love.

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