Saturday 16 April 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Task 1:

 Watch a video about parent-teacher interviews. Listen to a parent-teacher interview at:

While you are listening, identify the expressions that are used to:

Begin the interview:
Welcome to the Parent-teacher interviews. I just wanna to say I'm very glad to see that you can make here this evening.
Make transitions from one topic to another:
We are happy to hear that. But we have a concern about......
Do you have any other questions about ......?
OK, as you can see......
Can I ask a question?
End the interview:
Thank you very much for coming both of you tonight. It's being a pleasure having you here. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

 Answer the questions below about the interview.

1. Is Richard progressing well in school?
    Yes, he is.
2. What specific comments about Richard’s performance does the teacher make?
    He is a strong student, and a great sociable child.
3. What four questions did the parents ask?
    They asked about Homework, new friends, after school programs, and report card.
4. What information do the parents give the teacher about their son?
    Richard likes to write stories.
5. What suggestions does the teacher give to help Richard do better in school?
    Read more at home.
6. How does the meeting end?
    The teacher thanked the parents for coming, and told them can contact him if they have any questions. 
Take 2:

Accordingly, children in Ontario receive a report card three times during the school year. The report card has grades and written comments about the child’s performance in each subject. The comments usually include next steps – actions the child is encouraged to take to improve his/her mark in a particular subject.

1. exceeds (the provincial standards) .....d...
a) a text with a graph or some other visual display
2. remediation .......j.....
b) longer
3. literary text ......h........
c) standard ways of doing something
4. graphic text .......a........
d) goes beyond what is expected
5. cite .......i..........
e) at a constant level (of success)
6. extended ........b........
f) very good performance
7. considerable effectiveness ...........f......
g) a figure with four or more sides and angles
8. conventions ......c.........
h) a story
9. consistently ........e...........
i) to mention, refer to
10. emerging ........k.........
j) an action taken to correct or improve a skill
11. polygon ...........g...........
k) beginning, starting to happen

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