Monday 25 April 2016

Monday's assignment

Task 1:

Listen to a dialogue between a customer and a restaurant manager. Answer the questions below.
1. What product or service does the customer enquire about? What are her general requirements?
40th Wedding Anniversary for her parents. Dinner for 30 person on Friday, Jun. 5th.
2. What are the specific items that the customer would like to have included in her order? How will the manager accommodate those needs?
There are vegtarians, old lady in wheelchair, children from 4 months to 10 years. The manager will offer vegtarian food, wheelchair facilities from the parking lot to the washingroom, long tables, and private room. But they don't need high chair.  
3. Underline the items from the menu that are not mentioned in the conversation:
• mini pizzas • drinks • steak • Caesar salad • cream filling
4. What is the final order that the manager wants the customer to confirm?
Chilgren's menu (mini pizza, chicken      , meatballs)
Family style menu (shrimp, green salad, vegtarian     , chicken )
Light cake (family size)
5. How and when will the order be finalized?
About 1 hour later, the manager will call back to the customer.
6. How would you describe the manager’s style of customer service? Give reasons.
Very friendly and pofessinal. Because he keep listening to the customer and giving suggestions .

Task 2:
Listen to the recording again. Record the phrases and expressions you hear. Then, with a partner, add your own expressions to the list.

Asking for information: I'd like to know if....  Could I have.... Would you like to...
Clarifying information: Let me repeat.... Would that be OK?  
Changing the topic: Shall we talk about...  Do you have.... How about....
Closing the conversation: I'll call back to you shortly.  

Task 3:
Locate information relating to each of the situations above. Go to the home page of the Ontario Ministry of Small Business and Consumer Services, and then click on then Your Rights. There are four categories, within your groups, write a quick summary, and then present your findings to the class.

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