Wednesday 20 January 2016

Wednesday's Assignment you ever been caught for not having read a contract carefully? Share with two or three partners. 
Here are your tasks:
  1. Role play: Reading Contracts Carefully
    1. Read aloud by yourself, with a partner, and into Chirbit or Audioboom.
    2. Include on your blog a short story about what happened when you did/didn't read a contract.
  2. With your partner, select one more role play to practise together.
  3. Watch this, and select any useful vocabulary to learn.
  4. Then pick one contract-related vocabulary exercise to try out.

My story about cantract

When I came to Canada, I applied for a credit card. But I didn't read the contract carefully. 
Because it was too many English words for me to understand. So I just signed it, and got the card. 
After 2 months, I found that  there was some dollars be debited every months. 
I didn't know what that for. So I called the bank . 
The customer service man told me that was for insurance with the spending of my credit card.
I even didn't know I have it! Maybe it was in the cantract.
It was useless for me. Finally, I cancelled it. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice start, great story!
    Let's use the editing checklist to work on it.
